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Reporting Absences

Parents are expected to phone school, (920) 852-5450, before 9:00 a.m. to inform the secretary whenever their children are not going to be in school. You must call EVERY morning before 9:00 a.m. for each absence.

If your child has experienced a fever during the night of 100 degrees or higher or has vomited that evening or prior to coming to school, you should not send your child to school for the day. You can call prior to 7:00 a.m. and leave a message on the school’s answering machine.

If you would like to request homework for your child, please send a note with a sibling or contact the school. All requests for homework need to be made before 9:00 a.m. Please understand that homework will not be available to be picked up prior to 3:00 p.m. You can also provide us with names of students who can pick up the homework and bring it to your home.

Request for Student Absence Form

If your student will be absent more than 3 days or has met their 10 days (includes: illness, tardy and others) of absences for the school year, please fill out the Request for Student Absence Form and turn it in at the office.